英语 来源:网络 编辑:小新 2017-09-19 15:26:05

  高考英语短文的改错占比不大,但是涉及的知识点比较多,伊顿教育小编今天跟大家讲解的是短文改错中代词、冠词的常见错误 ,希望此文对大家有所帮助。更多教育资讯与学习资料的领取取,敬请关注伊顿教育陕西网站!

高考英语|短文改错:代词、冠词的常见错误 ,附经典试题与答案解析!





  Instead , he hopes that our business will grow steadily .

  答案解析: 根据上下文逻辑意义,应是“他的”公司, 指代对象错误。答案: our改为 his

  2016 卷

  Every time he arrived home at the end of the day , we’d greet her at the door.

  答案解析: he arrived home 可知,性别指代错误。答案: her 改为 him。

  He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell and refused to go to the place where people had his dinner when dinner time came.

  答案解析: 根据句子结构分析,people 是复数。答案:his 改为 their。


  He had a deep voice , which set himself apart form others in our small town , and he was strong and powerful .

  答案解析: 根据句子结构分析,which 引导定语从句, 先行词是 a deep voice ,根据句意,浑厚的声音使他与他人不同。答案:himself 改为 him。


  2016 (卷Ⅲ)

  At first , I thought I knew evenything and could make decisions by yourself .

  答案解析:根据句子结构分析,句子的主语是 I 。答案:yourself 改为 myself。


  2015 (卷Ⅱ)

  Five minutes later , Tony saw parents.

  答案解析: 根据句意,这里特指 Tony 的父母。答案: parents 前面加 his。


  2015 卷Ⅰ

  Much rare animals are dying out .

  答案解析: animals 为可数名词, much 修饰不可数名词。答案: much 改为 many。

  2014 陕西卷

  My uncles immediately jumped up and shot their arrows at the bird . Necther of the arrows hit the target .

  答案解析: 代词 neither 表示两者都不...... , 而本句的意思是有很多箭,因此使用none,表示三者或者三者以上的全部否定 。答案:neither改为 none。

  2. 冠词的 常见错误

   不定冠词 a 和 an 的误用

  2014 辽宁卷

  Besides , Cleo tends to bark a average of six hours a day .

  答案解析:average 是以元音发音开头的单词,要使用 an .答案: a 改为 an

   不定冠词a/an和定冠词the 的误用

  2016 (卷Ⅰ)

  My uncle says that he never dreams of becoming rich in the short period of time .

  答案解析:“the”表特指,“a/an”表泛指,此处表泛指,用不定冠词a . In a short period of time 意为 “短期内”。 答案:the 改为 a 。

  2015 ( 卷Ⅱ)

  A woman saw him crying and told him to visit outside a shop .

  答案解析:根据句意,shop 指上文提到的 shopping center ,表特指。答案:a 改为 the .

  ③ 多冠词或少冠词

  2016( 卷Ⅱ )

  But in that case , we will learn a little about world.

  答案解析:根据句意,特指我们所生活的这个世界。答案:world 前加 the .

  2016 (卷Ⅲ)

  At the first , I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by myself .

  答案解析: at first 为固定短语, 意为“起初,开始” 。答案: 删掉the


文章标签: 短文改错 高考英语
上一篇:高考英语|短文改错:连词、介词的常见错误,附经典试题与答案解析! 下一篇:高考英语|短文改错:名词、形容词、副词的常见错误,附经典试题与答案解析!
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